Unimatrix Python SDK


Using pip is the recommended way to install the Unimatrix SDK for Python, which is available on PyPI.

Run the following command to add uni-sdk as a dependency to your project:

pip install uni-sdk


The following example shows how to use the Unimatrix Python SDK to interact with Unimatrix services.

Initialize a client

from uni.client import UniClient

client = UniClient("your access key id", "your access key secret") # if using simple auth mode, just pass in the first parameter

or you can configure your credentials by environment variables:

export UNIMTX_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
export UNIMTX_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=your_access_key_secret

Send SMS

Send a text message to a single recipient.

from uni.client import UniClient
from uni.exception import UniException

client = UniClient()

  res = client.messages.send({
    "to": "+1206880xxxx", # in E.164 format
    "text": "Your verification code is 2048."
except UniException as e:

Send a message using a template with variables.

  "to": "+1650253xxxx",
  "signature": "Unimatrix",
  "templateId": "pub_verif_en_basic2",
  "templateData": {
    "code": "2048"

Send OTP

Send a one-time passcode (OTP) to a recipient. The following example will send a automatically generated verification code to the user.

from uni.client import UniClient
from uni.exception import UniException

client = UniClient()

res = client.otp.send({
  "to": "+1206880xxxx"

Verify OTP

Verify the one-time passcode (OTP) that a user provided. The following example will check whether the user-provided verification code is correct.

from uni.client import UniClient
from uni.exception import UniException

client = UniClient()

res = client.otp.verify({
  "to": "+1206880xxxx",
  "code": "123456" # the code user provided